Professions of a Silicon Valley Double-E
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
  Linked-In sponsored event features Guy Kawaski and Fake Steve Jobs
Interested in Startups? Blogs? or connecting with others who are?

Linked-In is hosting a LinkedIn Answers type event featuring Q&A with Guy Kawasaki (former Apple evangelist) and Fake Steve Jobs a.k.a Dan Lyons (widely read tech blogger, senior editor at Forbes and author of "Options"). The questions for the event will be suggested by LinkedIn users ( Further event details below:

Do RSVP so we can get some clarity on how much pizza we should order :)

* LinkedIn Q&A Event | Confessions of Fake Steve Jobs

* Date & Time: November 6 @ 6 pm.

* Venue: Computer History Museum, 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94043 (right next door to our office)

RSVP on Upcoming |
I might see you there..

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  State of Job Search Redux
Back in August,
I did a comparison between a number of Job posting Search sites based on Keywords I would use if I were searching. IEEEUSA has one that I left out, the IEEEUSA Career Navigator.

Trying this one today, postings that match the keywords
Ok, that LAST one matches "Verilog" as well as Verilog-A.

So what does this mean?
  1. THIS search engine gives results quite in line with the others
  2. Analog Mixed-Signal IC design is HOT.
I'll get back to #2 in a minute.

So This site finds all the same jobs the other ones do. Does it have features that would change my conclusion last time that Linked-In rocks? OK, linked in STILL rocks, but THIS site links to linked in (so you can can connect to someone you know there) , and to Payscale so you can research the pay. So, until linked in (which uses the same jobs data from simply hired) adds the link to payscale, I'll be recommending the IEEEUSA Career Navigatore. (Is Payscale better than the IEEEUSA Salary Service ? It does cover a wider range of industries, but with less refinement in Our specialty)

#2 doesn't help you much if you don't already have experience in this area. Education requirements tend to START at an MSEE from one of the handful of Institutions with STRONG Analog programs (Stanford, Cal, Oregon State, Georgia tech, Univ of Washington, UCLA, USC ...). Here is the TEST:
  1. does your advisor have multiple, recent, ANALOG papers published in the JSSC or presented at ISSCC?
  2. Has Their Advsior served on the SSCS ADCOM, or participated in the JSSC publication (review & critique of papers), or published an Analog Text Book?
OK, its a PRETTY closed community with High demand, but Many of my designer friends apparently DON'T ENJOY THE WORK. They keep talking about doing other things that would be more fun, and more profitable. Why? because MOST analog projects are Understaffed and behind schedule!!

Seems like there should be niche here for someone who PAYS WELL for Talent and experience, Keeps the work environment GREAT, and can develop the raw talent.

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Friday, October 19, 2007
  Notes from todays Career Workshop
We'll be posting the slides from today on the SCV -Pace Website
Ed Perkins:
Paul Kostek:


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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
  Protecting the Future of Patents
Why do you need to attend this friday's workshop?

The U.S. Senate is currently debating the Patent Reform Act of 2007. This
Bill will profoundly affect IEEE members who deal with Intellectual
Property and is the most significant change in patent law in the past 50,
if not 100, years.

Those who would like to learn more about the Patent Reform Act of 2007
should log into the IEEE-USA Legislative Action Center at
using the IEEE Web Account log in. The Action
Center contains more information on the bill, links to the bill itself, and
an easy way to e-mail both of your Senators.

For those of you locally, Don't forget that Friday's Career workshop includes as a special feature starting at 3pm - "Bridging the Gap", Russ Harrison's presentation on connecting with and influencing your elected officials.

If you are going to skip lunch, and JUST attend this part, please send me an email and let me know. j bot david hat ieee not org
Jonathan David,

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  Using Open Source & Web 2.0 to Open young minds
Steve Hargadon (Granite Bay, CA) is an educator educational technology consultant working to integrate computers into his classroom.. but NOT just computers, also Open Source Software, and the Participatory experience of Web2.0.

If you are interested in K-12 education, and infecting our kids with enthusiasm for engineering (or science, technology or math) you should be following his blog.. and check out the School2.0 wiki initiative too.

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Ruminations about the Electrical Engineering profession as practiced in Silicon Valley by an IEEE Senior Member. Disclaimer: All Posts here are official IEEE business in that they are messages about IEEE activities from an IEEE volunteer. These messages do not constitute official records of R6-PACE activities, nor official IEEE or IEEE-USA policy statements. Website:

My Photo
Location: San Jose, California, United States

When he is not working on IEEE stuff, Jonathan does Mixed Signal Design Verification at Qualcomm. Senior Member IEEE. Founder IEEE-SCV-SSC (the first Solid State Circuits chapter). Past Section Chair, Santa Clara Valley Section - the Largest Section. Co-founder IEEE-SCV-CAS. IEEE-SSCS Membership chair 2001-2003. IEEE SSCS chapters Committee member. IEEE-SCV-PACE committee member 2001- IEEE-SCV-PACE Chair 2006-2007. IEEE R6 PACE coordinator.


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