Professions of a Silicon Valley Double-E
Friday, December 21, 2007
  The package - SV Eng is blogging his transition
I'd have left this as a comment on bill's blog, but figuring out which of EDN's scripts to let run to let me post it wound up being too hard..

Bill Betts has just started an EDN blog about a career transition - his second post is dealing with advice about accepting the package.
its probably better to read his tips now, or you may find out that you were repeating well known mistakes when you do have such a meeting.

The package: "
Thanks for all the comments. bert, beenthere and Ex-engineer all brought up good points that lead into the next couple of subjects I thought I
Here in Silicon Valley, the IEEE is another handy resource. the local section has _this_ blog - which will soon be getting a new owner (new PACE chair).. and
which has been collecting occasional ideas as well as announcing IEEE career related events for more than a year.

But after looking Bill Betts up on Linked in, I wanted to suggest sprucing up his Linked-In profile.
the Idea is to make YOU stand out more (improve your "branding") - Guy Kawasaki posted a great article about how to do this on his blog a while ago.

My only other suggestion would be not to LIMIT yourself to networking hardware companies. Yes FiberChannel is a lot like Ethernet (esp Optical). but those are both a lot like a lot of other hardware design too.. Take the time to understand your skills, and yourself so that your next job will also be fun. Don't be a stranger, in fact, now, you should not be Eating Alone.. but networking..

I wish Him, and all the others in similar situations, Happy Holiday Job Hunting!
Ruminations about the Electrical Engineering profession as practiced in Silicon Valley by an IEEE Senior Member. Disclaimer: All Posts here are official IEEE business in that they are messages about IEEE activities from an IEEE volunteer. These messages do not constitute official records of R6-PACE activities, nor official IEEE or IEEE-USA policy statements. Website:

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Location: San Jose, California, United States

When he is not working on IEEE stuff, Jonathan does Mixed Signal Design Verification at Qualcomm. Senior Member IEEE. Founder IEEE-SCV-SSC (the first Solid State Circuits chapter). Past Section Chair, Santa Clara Valley Section - the Largest Section. Co-founder IEEE-SCV-CAS. IEEE-SSCS Membership chair 2001-2003. IEEE SSCS chapters Committee member. IEEE-SCV-PACE committee member 2001- IEEE-SCV-PACE Chair 2006-2007. IEEE R6 PACE coordinator.


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