"And my favorite tip for sorting through resumes: Throw out half. That way you won't hire anyone who is unlucky!"I have been given advice in the past that If I couldn't find a better way to make a choice between employer's, to "Pick the Lucky One". But the nonsensical idea above, almost doesn't deserve a response. But It has been grating along in the recesses of my mind, So maybe it does.
- Scott Yates - in a comment on Guy Kawasaki's post about hiring folks via Craigslist
When he is not working on IEEE stuff, Jonathan does Mixed Signal Design Verification at Qualcomm. Senior Member IEEE. Founder IEEE-SCV-SSC (the first Solid State Circuits chapter). Past Section Chair, Santa Clara Valley Section - the Largest Section. Co-founder IEEE-SCV-CAS. IEEE-SSCS Membership chair 2001-2003. IEEE SSCS chapters Committee member. IEEE-SCV-PACE committee member 2001- IEEE-SCV-PACE Chair 2006-2007. IEEE R6 PACE coordinator.
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