Professions of a Silicon Valley Double-E
Saturday, March 01, 2008
  PACE projects and Funding them
So in my New role as R6 pace coordinator, I'm meeting with the PACE folks from the other regions today, getting training on the paperwork I'll have to do.. (approving funding requests and getting the pace leaders around the region to attend the Annual Meeting and Sections Congress) .

While its NICE to be in the position to give away money, I do want to be clear about the purpose of PACE project funding.
  1. Its SEED funding. The goal is to facilitate creating new Programs. - If you pasted LAST years funding request into this years form, I'll push back for whats NEW about this project.
  2. Its NOT just for k-12 outreach. In fact I will PREFER using the money for "Professional Development" programs. The economy is shifting, maybe going into recession, maybe not. New specialties are getting created, while older companies continues to focus on COST and Productivity, frequently implemented by way of layoffs. How is your section helping your members adjust to the new realities? If you don't already have an annual PDS (Professional Development Seminar) I'll favor the funding request for that. In fact we even have a SMALL special pot of funds JUST for this purpose. If you do, what NEW feature of this seminar will the money fund. (Do you have a session on using and working on "open source software", or the new collaboration tools? (wiki's, blogs, svn).
  3. I'll want to see some output that will help OTHERS implement a similar program. Are you developing a curriculum on using video cameras for design teams to document their robot designs? Publish the plan and lessson's learned for OTHER schools, and sections to use.
  4. This is not meant to be the full funding. Please document the Total cost, and where the rest of the money will come from.
The details and forms can be found on the IEEE-USA site.
1 per section until June..
Get to work!
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Ruminations about the Electrical Engineering profession as practiced in Silicon Valley by an IEEE Senior Member. Disclaimer: All Posts here are official IEEE business in that they are messages about IEEE activities from an IEEE volunteer. These messages do not constitute official records of R6-PACE activities, nor official IEEE or IEEE-USA policy statements. Website:

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Location: San Jose, California, United States

When he is not working on IEEE stuff, Jonathan does Mixed Signal Design Verification at Qualcomm. Senior Member IEEE. Founder IEEE-SCV-SSC (the first Solid State Circuits chapter). Past Section Chair, Santa Clara Valley Section - the Largest Section. Co-founder IEEE-SCV-CAS. IEEE-SSCS Membership chair 2001-2003. IEEE SSCS chapters Committee member. IEEE-SCV-PACE committee member 2001- IEEE-SCV-PACE Chair 2006-2007. IEEE R6 PACE coordinator.


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