Professions of a Silicon Valley Double-E
Sunday, March 16, 2008
  Personal CRM Systems
I've not yet started an account at Jason Alba's jibberjobber service, but today I am suddenly starting to feel the impact of what a typical job hunter might be doing if he doesn't already have some kind of system in place.
For me, I'm trying to catch up on 2.5 months of backlog in this role for IEEE's Region 6 ( home of the largest section in IEEE and the largest (both geographically and by membership) of the 6 US Regions.
What am I doing? Learning who everyone is.. All the pace chairs in all the sections, and their area pace chairs (R6 has 5 areas) so that I can send out a couple of email blasts and hit the right people, and not too many others.
OK.. so far I have completed 2 of the areas.. and I even found I needed to keep an issues log, so that I could pass on issues I find ( Pace chair on section website is different from that in the roster)
Section website terribly out of date, or even non-existant.
In total I'll be tracking about 100 folks.. Probably LESS that what a job hunter will do in the course of a 3-month job hunt. Who did I send Info too? Have I approved their funding request.
did I tell the Region Treasurer, Have I heard back from them?
JibberJobber provides a system that will aid the job hunter do this rather than build his from scratch as I'm doing with mine.. But wait Doesn't outlook already address this? -
Unfortunately, It allows me to track individuals this way, but I'm not sure it will let me Identify all the members of a group and let me concentrate on those things..
I'll finish the spread sheet, get that blast out, and then see If I can find something better!

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Ruminations about the Electrical Engineering profession as practiced in Silicon Valley by an IEEE Senior Member. Disclaimer: All Posts here are official IEEE business in that they are messages about IEEE activities from an IEEE volunteer. These messages do not constitute official records of R6-PACE activities, nor official IEEE or IEEE-USA policy statements. Website:

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Location: San Jose, California, United States

When he is not working on IEEE stuff, Jonathan does Mixed Signal Design Verification at Qualcomm. Senior Member IEEE. Founder IEEE-SCV-SSC (the first Solid State Circuits chapter). Past Section Chair, Santa Clara Valley Section - the Largest Section. Co-founder IEEE-SCV-CAS. IEEE-SSCS Membership chair 2001-2003. IEEE SSCS chapters Committee member. IEEE-SCV-PACE committee member 2001- IEEE-SCV-PACE Chair 2006-2007. IEEE R6 PACE coordinator.


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